Expert of the Week

Niv Now – “Find your passion and build better business from there”

Aug 18th 2023

Niv Now is a career and climate coach based in Berlin. Niv supports individuals and teams by coaching, training and connecting, and he can help you in many ways.

Niv Now
Niv Now

#gogreen: paving the way into a greener 21st century

“Can we finally dip below 1.5ºC and keep our planet Earth healthy? I connect and coach VCs, job hunters, climate experts and communities.”

#careerhappiness: be happy regardless of all the noise

“Life is too short for the wrong job. Get to the core of your motivation and what you were meant to do. Find your passion and build better business from there.”

#selfleadership & #teamwork: confidence to lead and inspire

“Become a better team worker and inspiring leader. Stay on track, improve your time-management and resilience while being there to support your team, building an appealing and productive team culture.”

#networking: improve how you connect to people on the job or to land a job

“Spoiler: Job searching can be fun! Learn, connect, and adapt with a simple and efficient approach. Unveil your story: what do you need? What do you give? Understand what stakeholders tick and take action in the digital realm.”

Solved is a platform and marketplace for sustainability-related knowledge work. Learn more and get started: